COVID-19: Your Trip
What should I do if I decide to change my travel plans?
Please contact your airline carrier to make your travel adjustments. Please keep in mind your carrier may be receiving a high volume of inquiries.
A full directory of contact information for airlines at T4 can be found here.
How can I check to see if my flight will be impacted?
For information about your flight, you can contact your airline directly. A full directory of contact information for airlines at T4 can be found here.
You can check your flight status on the JFK Airport website here.
If I leave the U.S., will I be able to re-enter the country?
For information related to COVID-19 and travel abroad or within the United States, visit the CDC website here.
Should I postpone or cancel my travel?
For frequently asked questions on travel related to the COVID-19 outbreak, visit the CDC’s web page for travelers here.

T4 Tip
For the most up-to-date COVID-19 travel information, visit the CDC COVID-19 Travel page.